The optimized and efficient way to execute multiple API requests in one call

As a developer, we have to optimize the code for better performance. Sometimes we have to make multiple API calls for different kinds of functional logic or validation on a single event, which leads to performance issues. Microsoft already has a feature called Batch Operations, but it involves a lot of code, and also the response we received is not in a JSON format. To overcome this we can use another API calling mechanism called fetch() to execute multiple APIs. This method provides an easy, logical way to fetch resources asynchronously across the network.

Let's take a look at this with an example.

Here we have created an array of URLs called urls which consist of two different API calls, the first API call to get owner details and the second API call will give the team details if a user is part of a particular team.

Executing all APIs included in urls array. The responses for API will be received in the same order as an Array element. Here are the responses received: 

Click here for Sample Code


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